Travel, Tourism & Tourist

Travel, tourism, tourist these words are familiar to all of us. Many of us wonder what else these are. But that's not really the case and it's not that easy. Why not anything in general but when they are being used extraordinarily but causing problems. Many people are messing with everything by using them without understanding the real meaning. In this way, everything from talk shows and conversations to writing, interviewing, or commenting are being thrown into confusion. Many like me are stumbling over the issue, some are getting confused again. However, many people often question me again. So, even if there is not much opportunity for a detailed discussion on Facebook, I will at least briefly shed light on some of the most basic ideas from my knowledge.

Travel Image

Definition of Travel

Absolutely simple being traveling, going somewhere far away. It can be inside the country or outside the country. Again the purpose of travel can be anything. There is nothing else or any condition with it. As we say, after traveling to New York and California, I will travel to India or abroad, etc.

Definition of Tourism

It is difficult to define tourism in a few words or in the light of certain criteria. Because in the eyes of each person, tourism is different. Simply put, tourism is the location of a person's place of interest and the activities associated with it for the purpose of enjoying worldly beauty. When the economy gets a different momentum centered on tourism, it is called the tourism industry. According to the definition of the International Tourism Expert Organization, "tourism is the sum of the travels and relationships of a person who is not engaged in any lucrative activity and has not settled permanently."

Who is Tourist?

A person who travels around the world to visit or enjoying the divine beauty of different places or countries. A traveler may go to visit his/ her own country or visit other countries of the world. In other words, when a person goes to a place only for spending time watching or enjoying the beauty of the place and spend money then he/she is called a traveler.