Five Beautiful Places in Bhutan

Bhutan, a land of natural beauty, is a unique travel destination for nature lovers. Bhutan is called the 'Land of Lightning Dragons'. Surrounded by winding mountain paths and nature's cosmos, Bhutan has a rich spiritual culture and ancient traditions. Surrounded by dense greenery, Bhutan is a peaceful, secluded, and clean country. High mountain ranges, numerous fountains, Buddhist temples, palaces, numerous caves on the mountain have made Bhutan one of the most prosperous countries in the region. There is so much to see in this tiny country. Once you visit Bhutan, its beauty will captivate your mind. Bhutan is one of the favorite countries of Bangladeshi travel lovers. Due to the short distance from Bangladesh to Bhutan, a large number of Bangladeshi tourists visit this country. Before going to Bhutan, let's find out about five interesting places here.

Thimphu Travel

Thimphu Travel

Thimphu is one of the most fascinating and aesthetically pleasing places in Bhutan. It is the capital of Bhutan. It is the smallest capital city in the world. The elevation is 2300 meters, which is more than 6000 feet. A shiny city The river Chu flows by the side of the city This place is the main center of the culture of the country. The city is home to ethnic Bhutanese art, architecture, and culture. Thimphu is the only capital city where you will be surprised to see that there are no signal lights on the highway. The more wonderful thing is that there are no beggars and no homeless people. In Thimphu, you will see a giant Shakyamuni Buddha statue made of 179 feet long golden water perched on a hill. See also Handicraft Emporium, Traditional Medical Institute, Painting School, and National Library. Thimphu has a unique flavor that will captivate you.

Paro Travel

Paro is one of the most interesting places in Bhutan, a state of natural beauty. Paro, a small town in the foothills of the Himalayas, is the queen of natural beauty. Especially in the spring, the form of Rituteparo became incomparable. The endless flowing river waves, the blue sky, and the surrounding greenery make the beauty of Paro heavenly. The only airport in the country is located here. There are several spectacular Buddhist temples. Paro's biggest attraction is the Tigers' Nest. This monastery is located on a cliff 60 km from Paro. The walkway here is also very beautiful. In addition to the site sightings and several caves from Paro, there is also the Paro Museum, Paro Jung. None of this will amaze you

Bumthang Travel

Bumthang is the land of the spiritual heart of Bhutan. Because Bhutan's most important Jung Temple and Mahal are located in this region. Here you will also see Wangdicholing Palace, Jambe Lakhang Temple, Bhutanese Temple Jakar, and Hot Spring Area. Hot Spring's journey is a little difficult but the way to go is very beautiful. This path will erase all your fatigue effortlessly. Bulls, musk deer, and Himalayan bears can be seen in this area. Bumthang's 'Kurje Lahkhang' is also a wonderful place. The bodies of the first three kings of Bhutan are preserved here. Kurje Lhakhang has been attracting tourists for many years with its three large temples and many small temples adorned with strange ornaments.

Punakha Dzong Travel

Travel Beautiful Bhutan

Punakha Dzong is sometimes called 'Great Happiness' and sometimes 'Ananda Prasad'. The administrative center of the Punakha district is this Punakha Dzong. Until 1982, Punakha was the summer capital of Bhutan. The 600-foot-long jungle was built in 1838-36. This historically famous Punakha Dzong is now the winter abode of Buddhist monks. It is the largest monastery for initiation into Buddhism in Bhutan. Across the walls of this building, you will see many paintings of faith and religious sentiments.

Dochula Pass Travel

Dochula Pass, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, is a beautiful place. Thimphu is 30 km away from Dochula Pass. Located at an altitude of 3,96 meters, this place is a holy place for the people of Bhutan. Numerous temples are surrounded by mountains and the cloud game of Meghalaya is always roaming here. The Drukwangal Lakhang Temple is an interesting place here. This pass is very popular with tourists because only here you can get a 360-degree panoramic view of the Himalayas. On the way from Thimphu to Punakha after passing Dochula, you will see 108 church lines.